- average-earned
- среднечасовой
average-earned rate — среднечасовой заработок
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary. 2014.
average-earned rate — среднечасовой заработок
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary. 2014.
Earned Run Average — (ERA) ist eine Statistik im Baseball, welche angibt, wie viele gegnerische Runs (Punkte) ein Pitcher durchschnittlich in neun Innings zulässt. In die Berechnung gehen aber nicht alle Runs ein, die dieser Pitcher abgegeben hat, sondern nur die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Earned run average — (ERA) ist eine Statistik im Baseball, welche angibt, wie viele gegnerische Runs (Punkte) ein Pitcher durchschnittlich in neun Innings zulässt. In die Berechnung gehen aber nicht alle Runs ein, die dieser Pitcher abgegeben hat, sondern nur die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
average salary — UK US noun [C] (plural average salaries) (also average wage [C], also average pay [U]) ECONOMICS, HR ► the average amount of money earned by workers in a particular industry, economy, area, etc. during a particular period of time: »The annual… … Financial and business terms
average earnings index — ➔ index1 * * * average earnings index UK US noun [C] (plural average earnings indices, average earnings indexes) (ABBREVIATION AEI) ECONOMICS ► in the UK, a series of numbers that compares the average amount of money earn … Financial and business terms
earned run average — ☆ earned run average n. Baseball the average number of earned runs allowed by a pitcher for each nine innings pitched … English World dictionary
Average daily rate — (commonly referred to as ADR) is a statistical unit that is often used in the lodging industry. The number represents the average rental income per occupied room in a given time period. ADR along with the property s occupancy are the foundations… … Wikipedia
earned run average — earned′ run′ av erage n. spo a figure used to indicate the effectiveness of a baseball pitcher, obtained by calculating the average number of earned runs scored against the pitcher for every nine innings pitched Abbr.: ERA,era • Etymology:… … From formal English to slang
Average margin per user — (AMPU) is one of several criteria for measuring the success of telephone companies. It is an alternative to ARPU, which focuses on revenue per unit. The central premise is that by attention to the margin produced per sold unit, not the amount of… … Wikipedia
Earned run average — In baseball statistics, earned run average (ERA) is the mean of earned runs given up by a pitcher per nine innings pitched. The ERA tells the average number of runs a pitcher would surrender over the course of a full game had he been kept in for… … Wikipedia
Earned run — In baseball, an earned run is any run for which the pitcher is held accountable (i.e., the run scored as a result of normal pitching, and not due to a fielding error or a passed ball). Any runner(s) who tags his base and reaches home plate is… … Wikipedia
Average Indexed Monthly Earnings — The Average Indexed Monthly Earnings (AIME) is used in the United States Social Security system to calculate the Primary Insurance Amount which decides the value of benefits paid under Title II of the Social Security Act under the 1978 New Start… … Wikipedia